Information Center
This is the hub for meeting minutes, photographs, presentations, maps, and other documents relevant to the planning process. Check back often to see the progress we've made!
Presentation of Draft Plan
Joint Task Force Meeting | April 4, 2019
Outline of Transformation Plan
Take a look at the outline that we submitted to HUD on February 27, 2019. This provides a framework for the plan document and describes our initial vision and goals.
Community Meeting 3 | February 7, 2019
Click here to download the presentation.
Click on this link to see the materials used for discussion.
Housing Task Force Meeting, December 4, 2018
Neighborhood Leadership Series
Calling all leaders in Southwest Philadelphia!
When you look around your neighborhood, are there things you want to change? Do you want to be more active in the Bartram Choice planning process? Would you like to be more involved with the future of Southwest Philadelphia? Do you want to make a difference in your community?
Then join us for this six-session series, starting on November 15, 2018.
All sessions will be held at Bartram Village Community Room
(5404 Gibson Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19143)5:30 pm: Enjoy dinner from restaurants in the neighborhood
6:00 pm: Interactive session with discussions and activities
1 - November 15, 2018: Right under our noses - the building blocks of change
2 - November 29, 2018: Music to my ears - Building consensus with your inside voice
3 - December 13, 2018: Planning in Philadelphia
4 - January 17, 2019: Change is good but so is affordability
5 - January 31, 2019: The power of design and nature
6 - February 9, 2019: Take the lead! - This will involve a bus tour and Graduation Celebration
Task Force Meetings, October 24th and 25th, 2018
Click here to view/download Housing and Neighborhood Task Force meeting minutes
Community Meeting & Workshop #2
Just in case you missed it…
On Wednesday, October 10, 2018, we held our second community-wide meeting at the Common Place to share the results of the surveys and to begin to prioritize the findings. Click on the links below to see the presentation and the handouts. And please check back soon to see photos.
Community Meeting & Workshop 2 Presentation
A very special THANK YOU! to all the neighborhood partners and anchors that hosted a Neighborhood Survey Station:
Paschalville Library
SW Family Services Center
Grace Christian Fellowship
St. Barnabas Church
Resurrection Community Methodist Church
SW Nu-Stop
Ezekial Baptist Church
Health Annex
The Common Place
Southwest CDC
Rhythm & Brunch
Kingsessing Rec Center
Myers Rec Center
Kingsessing Library
The Village
Tilden Middle School
Results of Needs Assessment Surveys are in!
And the survey says…
The planning team has completed gathering the results of two surveys. The first survey or “needs assessment” of Bartram Village residents launched in June at a summer festival. A shorter version of the survey was developed for people who live, work or frequently visit the neighborhood. Complete results of both surveys are available to download below. Highlights of the surveys will be presented to the community on October 10, 2018 at 6:15 pm at The Common Place. All are welcome.
Click here to download a pdf of the Bartram Village Resident Survey report.
Click here to download a pdf of the Bartram Choice Neighborhood Survey report.
Upcoming Events
Click here for a downloadable PDF of information on three upcoming meetings:
Community Meeting #2
People Task Force Meeting
Housing & Neighborhood Task Force Meeting
Take a Survey!
If you live, work, shop, or spend a substantial amount of time in the Bartram Choice neighborhood, we want to hear from you. What type of housing do you think is needed in the neighborhood? What sort of stores and services would like to have nearby? What changes would make the neighborhood feel safer to you? These are just some of the questions that the Bartram Choice Neighborhood Planning Team would like your feedback on. Take part in shaping the plan by completing a Neighborhood Resident Survey, available online and at anchor organizations throughout Southwest Philadelphia.
View photos below from the Bartram Village Summer Festival and Survey Kick-Off on June 22, 2018:

June 8, 2018: Joint Task Force Meeting
Members of the Housing, People, and Neighborhood task forces met to discuss the Needs Assessment Survey, which is launching later this month. Participants made recommendations to ensure the survey is custom tailored to Bartram Village residents and covers the most important issues in the neighborhood. About 25 task force members were in attendance.
APRIL 24, 2018: hud kick-off and community meeting
On April 24th, a team from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assisted us in officially launching our two-year planning process with a visit to Philadelphia. We immersed our guests in various aspects of the neighborhood through a series of presentations at Bartram Village. These included an introduction to the City, an overview of recent developments and investments impacting the Southwest Philadelphia community, and an introductory exploration of the Housing, People, and Neighborhood-related challenges, opportunities, and existing assets to build on as we begin to shape a plan for transformation.
We also took our guests on a tour of the Southwest Philadelphia community that began on foot at Bartram Village, before boarding a bus for a loop past Bartram’s Garden, Woodland Academy, the industrial waterfront, University of the Sciences, the Chester Avenue and Woodland corridors, Myers Rec Center, Mt. Moriah, Bartram High School, Tilden Middle School, and Richard Allen Preparatory Charter School.
The day concluded with a lively public meeting at the Kingsessing Rec Center that involved a brief introduction to the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative followed by a community workshop. Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, State Rep. Joanna E. McClinton, and approximately 60 attendees participated in the meeting. Participants broke into small groups to discuss the strengths of the neighborhood as well as the challenges before identifying as a group one thing that they would like to see change as a result of the planning effort.
Click to view daytime meeting presentations:
(People Plan meeting was a freeform conversation rather than a presentation)