What is a Choice Neighborhood?
Kingsessing – Bartram Village is a choice neighborhood. This is a designation and program from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for neighborhoods anchored by public housing where public and private dollars are leveraged to support locally-driven strategies in a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. Choice helps communities revitalize neighborhoods by improving distressed public and/or assisted housing, catalyzing critical improvements in the neighborhood and helping residents with educational, workforce, and health programming.
PHA received a Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant in 2017 leading to the Blossom at Bartram! Transformation Plan in 2020 and an Implementation Grant in July of 2023.
Thank you!
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development just awarded PHA a $50 million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to bring together Bartram Village residents, neighbors, business owners, police, and non-profits to join the effort to revitalize the area and units to modern, attractive housing. The grant also provides funding to implement some physical enhancements in the neighborhood to help build momentum and attract new investment
Click here to view the final Bartram Choice Neighborhood Plan online.
You may also download a small version of the plan by clicking here.
Stay tuned to this site for updates on next steps in the implementation of this plan.
The Bartram Choice Neighborhoods Transformation Plan is an opportunity to create a comprehensive plan to revitalize Bartram Village and the surrounding area to improve the quality of life and attract additional investment.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded a Choice Neighborhoods Planning & Action Grant to the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) to guide a two-year, community-driven planning process followed by a year and a half to implement physical neighborhood improvements. Centered around the redevelopment of Bartram Village, the Transformation Plan will also explore ways to revitalize the surrounding Kingsessing neighborhood.
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